ORDER FORM Evergreen CASE Tools, 11025 164th. Avenue NE, Redmond, WA 98052 USA. Telephone : (206)-881-5149 ______________________________________________________________________ Please send : ____ copies of EasyCASE ....................... @ $95 ea. $ ______ ____ EasyCASE Annual Upgrade & Support ........ @ $50 ea. $ ______ ____ copies of EasyCASE Plus ................. @ $225 ea. $ ______ Introductory offer, thru' September 30th, 1989 $175. ____ EasyCASE Plus Annual Upgrade & Support .. @ $125 ea. $ ______ Disk Size : 5.25 in.( ) 1.2M ( ) 360k ( ) Subtotal $ ______ 3.5 in. ( ) 720k only Less (___ %) discount ($ ______) (WA state Residents must add 8.1 % sales tax) Tax $ ______ US Mail - $5, UPS 2nd Day - $10, UPS Next Day - $15, Overseas - $25 Shipping $ ______ TOTAL $ ______ Name : ____________________________________________________ Company : _________________________________________________ Address : _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ City : _______________________ State : _______ Zip : ______ Country : ____________________ Telephone # : ______________ Computer Equipment (Optional) : Make _______________ Model ___________ CPU Type ____ Speed ____ MHz Mouse _______________________ Graphics Card _______________________ Monitor ______________ Hard Disk ______________ DOS Version # ____ Suggestions for future enhancements to EasyCASE : _________________ ___________________________________________________________________ How did you hear about EasyCASE ? _________________________________ - Quantity discounts, Site licencing and Upgrade agreements available. - Sorry, COD orders cannot be accepted. - Orders from outside the US: Please send a check drawn on a US bank in US dollars. Evergreen CASE Tools Effective September 17th, 1989